Living a Life of Abundance

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life.
— Mary Oliver


The mission of Renaissance Equine Gestalt Coaching (REGC) is to support individuals in the discovery of their personal truth; to encourage the development of personal awareness and the strength to find one’s voice, while also valuing and appreciating the many parts of self. This new wisdom supports the client to create the positive change and outlook they seek in their life with comfort and joy.

The important thing is to be able at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you could become.
— Charles Dubois

“Shelly is a wonderful empathetic soul. She meets her client with calmness and grace, and creates a beautiful safe and sacred space, which allows her client to feel valued, seen and heard. Shelly is wise and confident in her choice of words and her contact with the client, and she allows space and time to have an unhurried session.”

Michelle (Ireland)

Individuality is a snowflake etched in fire: it is a singular design. But until the individual discovers the blueprint of his snowflake and just what his singular contribution to the abundant life can be the true nature of his individuality is not known - the fire in the snowflake remains quiescent.
— The Path of a Higher Self


The vision of REGC is found in the word renaissance itself: rebirth, resurgence and revitalization. Grounded by the Gestalt method and in partnership with horses, it is the belief that every individual as a blend of their mind, emotions, body, and soul finds joy and peace as their most authentic self.

“Shelly facilitated our group with so much grace and intentionality. She helped us feel connected with her and with each other from the moment we started the group.

It’s a gift to be able to create an environment where complete strangers can come together and feel safe enough to reveal the areas of our lives that need work.

Shelly is the real deal!”

Joanna (Dallas, TX)








Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.
— Eckhart Tolle

“Shelly is a powerfully present coach. Her calming voice creates a safe place for her client where deep healing can occur. She is an expert listener with a gently way of moving her client through their own journey.”

Carolyne (Charlevoix, MI)

The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself
— Bob Burg, The Go-Giver


Gestalt is wholeness. It is an experiential, humanistic, non-diagnostic model where the client explores their unfinished business leading to full awareness - - where the background reactive state is released and no longer a defense for the individual. It is a journey leading to personal responsibility and self-compassion.

“You have such a graceful and compassionate presence. I am so excited to see the work you will do – you will help so many women. Always a pleasure listening to you.”

Natacha (Greenwich, CT)

Just as I want to be happy, all beings want to be happy.
— Krishnaumurti


REGC follows Gestalist methodologies to guide the client to wholeness; believing that the client has the necessary tools and answers to resolve their own conflicts. Gestaltist follow a humanistic, experiential model with weekly coaching sessions that help individuals live in the present moment by resolving their unfinished business. As an Equine Gestaltist, I partner with horses to discover not only one’s personal truth, but also the many parts of self that make-up and show-up throughout our life while building personal awareness.

“With connection, kindness, and stability, Shelly stayed with me while I struggled through my piece of work. I felt her hands on my shoulder and heart as I released so much pain, I’d been holding inside my body sense I was a little girl. I am so grateful Shelly was present with me in that vulnerable state. You will not regret going to Shelly.”

Kristin (Mitchell, SD)

Midway through the journey of our life,” says Dante, “I found myself in a dark forest, for the right way was lost.
— The Divine Comedy


REGC provides weekly individual and small group sessions to explore unfinished business. As a Certified Equine Gestaltist™ through Touched by a Horse® the sessions are somatic, experiential and follow the individual’s innate ability to find their own equilibrium. Our horses are natural Gestaltist who support our clients’ new-found truths. Truth can be viewed as being synonymous with integrity, and integrity, like Gestalt means wholeness - it gives us purpose, emotional healing, and a life free from mental suffering. By gaining integrity and overcoming lifelong patterns and dysfunctional habits we can once again feel whole.


Shelly has a varied background. With a Bachelor’s in Health Administration, she headed straight to NYC and worked in finance at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center for over a decade. Setting out on a new career with her young family she earned a Master’s degree in Elementary Education and taught in the NYC Public Schools in the Bronx. Missing her leadership days, she received a second Master’s from Bank Street College in NYC and became an Assistant Principal of a K-6 School, also in the Bronx. While finishing her Doctorate in Educational Leadership, Administration and Policy, and volunteering at a therapeutic riding center she decided to follow her passion. She became a PATH, Intl. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, and an Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning. Working as the Program Director at a Therapeutic Riding Center, she also became EAGALA Certified as an Equine Specialist. After a few years she returned to education as an Adjunct Professor at Manhattanville College serving as a Mentor for student teachers, and mentored teachers in the Spalding Reading Program under the Rose Institute.

One day she fell upon an ad for a therapeutic riding center in CT and with her children out of college and settled, she returned to her family’s farming roots. Shelly has led Shepard Meadows Equestrian Center since 2018, growing programming and expanding the facility. She is a true believer in the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™, having completed her own personal work with Melisa Pearce, the founder of Touched by a Horse®. Shelly looks forward to working with you! …and she lived happily ever after ….

“Integrity is the cure for unhappiness. Period.” - Martha Beck


Certified by Melisa Pearce Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™
The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™ was developed by Melisa Pearce, a core founder since 1989 of the horse­ human healing movement. The experiential nature of the method involves the horse as an active partner with the coach in the client’s exploratory process. The integrative approach of the equine’s interaction combined with positive coaching, somatic awareness guidance and Gestalt methodology, assists the client in examining their life and choices made with a focus on designing a positive future.

©Melisa Pearce

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“Shelly’s calm voice and presence invites a feeling of safety and security. She is “fully there,” and I felt seen, heard and valued.”

Dawn (Denver, CO)